Monday, July 6, 2020

avaya aic

The IC job management software receives applications through voice channels (a variety of PBX / IVR) and non-voice channels (web text chat, email, etc.). Upon arrival of a request, the IC software (in combination with the optional Business Candidate) determines how to handle the request. The available resources and workflows are specified in the IC Manager and IC Workflow clients respectively. Client IC Agent provides the agent's desktop interface. The IC Designer client is used to manage the user interface, data modeling and business rules for these applications.

avaya aic

OA acts as a data management and operational reporting system. Key components of OA include data management software, a common historical database and a web-based reporting framework. Data from various CRM systems (eg IC, CMS) are consolidated into the common historical data source (Note: IC and OA software share the common historical data source). It only contains one instance of the historical database and is shared by IC and OA. The historical data source contains data from the QRepository and additional OA / CMS data.


A browser-based Java administration server is used to configure OA components. The main data source in this configuration is the IC software (Inbound and Outbound channels, Business Candidate, etc.). As work flows through the IC software and ends, all data in the electronic data unit (eDU) is stored in the common data source. This eDU data is available for detailed historical reports. In addition, the data in the events of the Agent Data Unit (ADU) and Business Candidate / Service Class are sent to OA. The OA software collects this information as work flows through the system and summarizes it. This information is immediately available to support real-time reporting. This information is stored in the database at the end of each period and is available for history at that time.

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